Self-winding evaporator

Self-winding evaporator


  • RTA

    RTA refers to a tank evaporator and stands for Rebuildable Tank Atomizer. The evaporator heads / coils are self-wound and installed in the tank.

  • RDTA

    RDTA refers to a tank evaporator and stands for Rebuildable Dripping Tank Atomizer. The evaporator heads / coils are self-wound and installed in the tank.

    The RDTA tank evaporator is a combined system of RTA and RDA, the E-Liquid is stored in the tank but can also be dripped directly onto the cotton wool.

  • RDA

    RDA refers to a tank evaporator and stands for Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer. The evaporator heads / coils are wound and installed in the tank by the customer.

    The RDA is also called a trickling evaporator, compared to RTA it is an open system. The liquid is dripped directly onto the cotton wool.

    RDA vaporizer is for gourmets and steamers who frequently change the aroma.

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