Harvesting Devices - maXtractor 4 - 19 L
maXtractor extractor bags, 19 L, set of 4, 45, 120, 160 u. 220 µ
Place plant parts such as flowers or petals in a bucket of very cold water, add ice cubes - the cold causes resin glands to solidify, making them sievable. Stir with a mixer for 10 - 30 minutes, chill for 15 - 30, add ice. The colder the better! Put sieve bag 1 with 220 µ into fresh bucket, pour off water with plant mass until it is green and foamy. The plant mass can still be used for a second run. Put the other sieve bag(s) in order - the finest first, then the next coarser one etc. - Hang them in a new bucket and slowly pour in the previously drained green water and let it run through the bag(s). A brown-green sludge remains in the bags. Scrape this off the bottom of the sieve with a plastic card and leave to dry.
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