This 100% natural incense blend puts us in a contemplative mood and is the ideal companion during Advent and Christmas.
Included are cinnamon bark, myrrh, mace, clove and others.
Similar to the dust that becomes visible when we have not cleaned for some time, there is also a kind of deposit in the energy field of our environment - so-called energetic slags. We feel these deposits as dull, joyless, heavy energy. Sensitive people and children often feel the effects of such an environment as fears that cannot be explained, inner restlessness, heaviness and sadness.
One does not have to be clairvoyant or clairsentient to clearly sense the differences before and after cleansing.
An energetically cleansed space feels bigger, brighter, tidier and free.
One comes more quickly to a feeling of peace and security in it. Quarrels and aggressiveness subside.