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Palo Santo is the ideal companion for meditations and rituals and equally well suited to energetically cleanse ritual places, objects and people.
Palo Santo means "sacred wood". It has a balancing, gratifying and deeply relaxing effect, strengthens trust and creates a feeling of security. The ideal incense to arrive, to create a familiar atmosphere and to let "old wounds" heal, to be able to devote oneself completely to the here and now.
This is our knowledge about the origin: Palo Santo is an indigenous tree species in Paraguay and is valued by the timber industry. Although some studies have established that this species is not threatened with extinction, its commercialization is limited by quotas, according to Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), which imposes trade restrictions on this species, even if it is not threatened.
We, too, purchase our wood from a trader based in Paraguay, who must adhere to the quotas. And that is a good thing!
Our Palo Santo wood comes exclusively from dead trees and fallen branches, which only then have gone through and completed the natural process for the creation of the special fragrance.