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Rapé is a sacred medicine used for thousands of years by different tribes that inhabit the Amazon (Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela), it is a great tool to calm the mind and connect with the essence of the universe.
Rapé is a sacred medicine used for thousands of years by different tribes that inhabit the Amazon (Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela), it is a great tool to calm the mind and connect with the essence of the universe.
It is the medicine of the air, in the blow you receive the blessing of the grandfather wind, universal source of energy, cleaning our perception, clearing the mind and opening the superior energy channels, to connect us with the highest of our being, it can move us to different states depending on your use.
It is composed of various Amazonian plants that are roasted and ground, mainly TOBACCO, (Nicotiana tabacum, or Nicotiana Rústica), finely ground and sifted, ashes from ceremonial fire, and other sacred plants that determine its subtle alchemy.
When rapé is applied, it must be done with respect on the part of those who blow it and those who receive it and with the awareness that an ancestral medicine that enters you, possesses the powerful spirit of the mountain, the forest, the jungle and the spirits. healers of each of the plants.
The varieties of Rápe with a higher proportion of ashes are lighter and greyish; They are considered “Air” varieties, their effect is more stimulating, and they are indicated for situations in which we want to rise and float, connect with the suttle and the divine. They are varieties generally more recommended for beginners.
The Rapé varieties with a higher proportion of tobacco are darker and brownish; They are “earth” varieties, their effect is more sedative, and they are indicated to connect with depth, roots, ancestors. They are varieties indicated for more advanced users.
Between these two extremes, there is a wide range of varieties, each with its own spirit and subtleties, which will determine if the Rapé has healing powers, concentration power, warrior qualities or other connections.
Some of the Rape are named after the tribes that use them, such as the Yawanawa, Nukini, Manchinery, Kaxinawa tribes, among others.
Its effects and benefits are at various levels both in the physical body, in mental and psychic states, as well as in the spiritual aspect.
To receive this sacred medicine, try to be receptive, in inner calm and with an attitude of humility.
Inhale and exhale deeply to connect with the present moment.
Before the moment of receiving the projection, inhale deeply, hold your breath and close your glottis as if you were going to submerge yourself under water, in this way you prevent the RAPÉ from lowering to the throat and stomach.
Immediately after being thrown, breathe through your mouth, refraining from breathing through the nose for a few seconds, in this way we prevent the RAPÉ from going down in the form of dust through the respiratory tract.
To put it on or project it, you blow through a bamboo straw called a projector through each of your nostrils, it can be blown by the facilitator or by your own self; There is an auto projector so that you can apply it yourself.
The snuff after being blown makes a tour of the person in the form of tickling and numbs or distends body parts where it identifies there is tension
You can get to connect with archaic fears and anxieties, which gives you discomfort, but after a while you end up with a feeling of cleanliness, lightness, stillness and tranquility
It is important the way you blow yourself, do it with affection, with love, to bring peace to your mind and your body.
It must be blown in both nostrils, to balance the two energetic currents of the body, the masculine and the feminine.
Rapé Yawanawa: (Soft) Created by the Yawanawa tribe, it contains more ash than most other Rapé mixes which makes it very soft and extremely useful for cleansing the body and mind. Her feminine energy offers a high vibrational experience and a deeply grounded approach.
This Rapé brings strength and concentration, integrates and balances thoughts and helps us to respect better, it also works the solar plexus, it is used to cleanse this chakra, there is a lot of mental elevation during the process.
Rapé Murici: (strong) Known as the tobacco of warriors, it provides a beautiful masculine energy, the connection to the earth, it helps to contact our inner power, to find the strength to act, to concentrate and have mental clarity. It acts strongly cleaning the accumulated energies in the first, second and third chakras (base, sacrum and solar plexus), it does an extreme cleaning and generates a sharp and clear vibration.
Made by the Amazonian Huni Kuin – Kaxinawa tribe, with Murici tree ash, Amazonian tobacco and other plants.
Rapé Tigre: (Strong) Contains Macambo ash, a plant closely related to the cocoa plant, with great flavor and qualities to increase serotonin. It is a powerful mixture of Amazonian plants, which improves both your energy and your mood.
Rapé Kaxinawa: (Strong) Possesses strong and powerful energizing qualities, grounding the masculine, working on the energy centers as a warrior of the heart.
The energy of this medicine connects the mind and heart, immediately entering the crown chakra and slowly moving down to the heart chakra, continuing to do its work through each chakra until it reaches the root chakra. Next, loop around the energy centers in the back, working the lower back, mid-back, back of the heart, solar plexus, and the back of the head.
It is energizing and can be a purgative when used in large amounts.
Prepared by the Amazonian Huni Kuin tribe.
Rapé TSUNU: (Soft) The Tsunu bark is considered one of the 10 most important Brazilian medicinal plants. This Rapé contains more ashes than the other mixtures. Which makes it very gentle and extremely useful for a deep cleansing of the body and mind, its energy is feminine, which produces a deep and grounded focus. It is an intense medicine, but once the first effects wear off it is very comfortable and gives a feeling of opening, which takes place within the brain points around the back of the head.
It comes from the Yawanawa tribe and is ideal for balancing energies and finding stability.
Rapé Nukini: (strong) This rapé carries the spirit of Mother Earth, the Amazon jungle and the
Jaguar, which is a symbol of creativity and power.
NUKINI rape is used for healing and cleansing works, it helps with anxiety and reestablishes the connection with the Cosmic Mother, helping us to cleanse our thoughts. The jaguar looks at the paths within the chaos, teaches us to move without fear in the dark and clears the vision.
It is made of wild tobacco and ash from the Tsunu "Amazonian sacred tree", and is prepared by NUKINI women in the Brazilian Amazon and with your purchase you help the survival of the NUKINI people.
The Nukini ethnic group is located on the left bank of the Môa River, State of Acre, Brazil. And it is one of the most protected territories of the Brazilian Amazon.
Samauma: Known as the mother of all trees. It connects with the spiritual world, especially with the spirits of the jungle, and harmonises mind, body and soul. It also balances thoughts, feelings and emotions and opens the heart, strengthens intentions and healing powers and helps to connect with roots and communicate with nature. Supports the heart, root and third eye chakras.
Jurema: The spirit of Jurema is palpable in this blend and has a very revitalising, uplifting effect. Jurema is a plant of remarkable power and its rape is considered the strongest. It is used by the indigenous Fulni-o tribe in Pernambuco, who have been working with Jurema tea and rape for thousands of years. Jurema helps us to come closer to ourselves and strengthens our communication and harmony with the spirits of nature and Mother Earth. People who use this rape in ayahuasca ceremonies often experience a deep cleansing and harmonious growth of the auric field. It also helps to listen attentively to one's own feelings and those of others.
Parika: Promotes clear mental activity and removes negative and stagnant energies in the body and mind. It connects us to our ancestors and enables the purification of ancestral karma. Opens us to the wisdom of the ancestors and connects the crown chakra with the root chakra for strong grounding. It activates the pineal gland and the third eye chakra, promotes concentration, creativity and insight. It also evokes visionary qualities, which can be helpful in ceremonies. Used by tribes to diagnose ailments and to connect with the great spirit.
Canela de Velho: Supports the central energy channel, especially that of the uppermost chakra. It also establishes a connection to the ancestors and enables access to memories. The physical, emotional and mental levels are all addressed and there is a grounding from the head to the root. It has a strong energising effect.
Mulateiro: It is said that the warrior women of the Amazon bathed in a bath made from the bark of the mulateiro tree on the night of the full moon in order to stay young and beautiful, which is why the mulateiro tree is known among the tribes as the tree of youth. Men also drink the tea from this tree for potency, strength and stamina.
This effective rapé consists of a mixture of various Amazonian plants and the ashes of the bark of the mulateiro tree (Calycophyllum spruceanum). This tree is found exclusively in the Amazon region and has long been used in Native American culture for its beneficial properties - an indication of its harmonising potential on an energetic level. The bark of the tree has a fascinating annual cycle in which everything falls off and regenerates again. This alone indicates the energetic possibilities associated with this cycle.
Rapé Mulateiro is used primarily by the Huni Kuin tribe for its strength, its ability to energetically rejuvenate and many other benefits.
Specific References