Pharmacological consciousness research has established that, in addition to the basic needs for food, drink and sex, people also have a mental need for temporary changes in everyday consciousness.
There are many methods for altering consciousness, including the millennia-old use of psychedelic, i.e. ‘consciousness-revealing’ substances and plants, which have played a much more important role in human history than is generally recognised. Their use was integrated into rituals that evoked transpersonal experiences of a mystical and spiritual nature.
Christian Rätsch (1957-2022) has compiled this volume as a commemorative publication for the chemist Albert Hofmann, who not only discovered LSD, but was also honoured several times for his research into psychoactive plants and the synthesis of the active ingredients of medicinal plants. It contains contributions on psychological, ethnological, neurophysiological and medical findings on psychedelic plants and substances and texts by Terence McKenna, Hanscarl Leuner, Stanislav Grof, Claudio Naranjo and others.
Revised new edition for the 80th anniversary of the discovery of the psychotropic properties of LSD and in memory of Christian Rätsch († 17 September 2022)