The EZ Test Cocaine & Crack is a simple and reliable chemical test for detecting contaminants in cocaine and crack. It was specially developed to identify substances such as levamisole, phenacetin or ephedrine, which are often used as cutting agents.
It is easy to use: a small amount of the substance is placed in the test reagent, whereupon the liquid changes colour depending on its composition. With the help of the enclosed colour scale, the result can be evaluated within a few seconds.
This test provides a quick estimate of purity, but is not a complete analysis. It is ideal for anyone who wants to be aware of the quality of their substances.
1. Open the ampoule with test reagent
2. Insert sample
3. Let ingredient mix
4. Observe colour reaction and discard
An information sheet, colour charts and extensive instructions for use are included.
Only a small piece of your pill or powder is necessary to perform the test.
Available in a single test vial.
The EZ-Test can only give an indication of the substance in a sample. It does not provide a 100% guarantee. If you still have doubts about the ingredients of your pill, have your pill tested by an official agency. No right or claims can be derived from using the EZ-Test.