WOLKENKRAFT ÄRiS Ultra with patented ECA Easy Care Airpath
The patented ECA Easy Care Airpath convection technology that you can see through takes this vaporizer to a new level! The best possible way to vaporize! Elegant and modern design.
WOLKENKRAFT ÄRiS Ultra has an elegant and modern design, packed in an attractive housing with a beautiful midnight blue or white color.
Size 52 x 25 x 84 mm.
Powerful battery
The WOLKENKRAFT ÄRiS Ultra Vaporizer has new features that none of the vaporizers had before. In addition, there is a powerful 2600 mAh battery.
This vaporizer can vaporize any type of herbs, waxes and oils, so there are no limits, use your favorite material! Chamber must be purchased separately.
Precise temperature settings
The temperature ranges from 100 °C to 220 °C and can be adjusted to within 1 °C.
The material has no direct contact with the heating element perfectly uniform evaporation of herbs pure steam aroma.